When Spot Cleaning Carpet use a White Towel and Always Blot Never Rub

When a spill or a splash finds its way onto your carpet the first step should be to remove as much solid matter as possible.   Any remaining residue requiring the application of a spot or stain remover should be used with caution.

Following the carpet manufacturer’s recommendations along with the instructions for your choice of cleaning agents is a good idea.   However, where do we go from there?

Use a white towel to blot the spot, it is your extractor.   A white towel will not transfer any dye into the area being cleaned and will easily show any soil or fugitive dyes that are being released.

Blotting versus rubbing is the better choice.   Aggressive rubbing will produce heat, disturbing the twist and the lay of the carpet pile leaving unsightly marks when dry.   Some fibers such as Olefin have a lower melting point and can actually suffer friction burns.

Remember to pre-test any cleaning solution in an inconspicuous place first.   For more helpful tips visit our DIY collection of YouTube videos.